Sabado, Agosto 6, 2011

Mediocrity vs. Excellence: A student’s Dilemma

No person is born unintelligent. We differ from one another not because of the nature that we have but because of the nurture that we had. To sum things up, we are all born with such intelligent minds and we, ourselves is the one responsible in molding and cultivating our specialties. We can choose excellence over mediocrity. You may ask, How? But first let’s give differentiation between the two terms.

*Mediocrity- you can identify your mistakes yet you do nothing about it; the average type.
*Excellence- you can identify your mistakes and you make right actions to it right away; the excelling type.

Think of our brains as a Computer Hard Disk with the same memory capacity. We feed our memory with data and files. Files are categorized into sub parts. Here are some:

Open files. These are the knowledge that have we already stored in our memory. Yes, we may already have much knowledge but this will only be meaningful if we will give interest on studying more. We must love to learn and re-learn because it’s a two way continuous process. You may write on a piece of paper why what you are doing now will benefit you even in your future. By knowing this, you can determine what should be your priorities.

Hidden files. Of course, we must not forget these files because still they are important part of every computer. These files can only be seen by changing the settings, if you’ll require them for you to see them. As a connection in life, it is not only what we see is important. Sometimes the unseen things are more vital to life. We are all given with special talents and skills but we are not inborn the best. Though we have these special abilities, it is always up to the person if he will cultivate his own uniqueness. Practice makes it perfect and it requires so much patience.

Broken files. There’s no way to shortcut studying, studying is the way. The real thing may not seem to be pleasant in our ears but it only speaks what’s the best for us. Students may have broken schedules, and may not maintain a balanced schedule. If we will budget our time wisely and choose wisely what are the thing to do first. Let us also consider a time for relaxation but make sure that right after it, there will be no buts, we will proceed on the work we are assigned to.

Missing files. These are the files that if filled out will make us feel complete and whole as a person. What a person may sometime lack is his self-confidence. If you believe in what you are doing you’ll absolutely love the outcome of it.
                        Try to reinvent and reinvent things, until you come up with the one you think is the best among all of your works. Focus on the small details and have a passion for it. Great ideas give great works, so we must invest a lot in brainstorming.

Softwares. Literally, softwares are the installed programs that give command to a hardware. We can compare them to our conscience that is usually the guide to our destinations. We must never ever take for granted doing the ‘right thing’ in our everyday lives. Some events may lead us to excellence but is from the wrong thing. By doing this, we will never be happy even though we already chased success.

            Everyone has the capacity to restore and upgrade their own room for improvement.  Yes, every computer may differ from one another and so do people.  It is our uniqueness that makes us special. And when we say special, we must give great value to it.

 “Think outside the box!” --- Every time I work into something, I just can’t help it but to think over and over again what might be missing. I admit it; I’m a halfway perfectionist before but for some reason my views had changed. I’ve learned that the best thing and the perfect thing are in contrast, the first one is balanced while the second one is not. Being just the best and not the perfect doesn’t mean that you are practicing laziness or you are the average type. Being a perfectionist can lead to disappointment of your own capability. You just have to give attention to your work and do the best of what you can, till you attain what you want in the first place. We must never forget that true excellence is about making the right choices and the right actions.

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