Biyernes, Hulyo 29, 2011

The Prometeus New World

The video entitled “The Future of Communication” is a combination of predictions. Predictions can be either certain or uncertain. It can be somehow certain because the predictions are based on what’s happening today and it can be somehow uncertain because these are purely visions of what might happen in the next few years. Yet, we can’t give judgments until the predicted dates that the video gave have already passed.

Man is God. This metaphor was used to give representation to the system producer- consumer information. The video mentioned that at the end of last century, the Media Revolution all started since we first used the internet.

The old world reacts. More and more laws will be made regarding copyright law. The unauthorized websites who let the people have their own free copy of music, movies and softwares will be sued. The old radios will be just a piece of souvenir item because it will be replaced by the free internet radios except if there will be a brownout here in the Philippines. Unlike the other countries they don’t experience blackout but since we don’t have budget for that, it is one of our problem until now. And I’m hoping that in the near future we won’t have this problem again. Anyway, it is sad to know that even though we will have a bunch of amazing technology on the next centuries time will come that the older gadgets will soon be phased out.

Encyclopedia vs. Wikipedia. Some people’s part time job is selling encyclopedias and then here comes It is the most complete encyclopedia ever. In reality, you can have your own encyclopedia at home if you have thousands of pesos, and some can’t afford that. It is truly beneficial especially for the students because everybody can have a research on their own in an expensive and easier way.

Plastic Paper. One of the statement of Philip K. Dick (avatar) in the video is that in 2011 there will be a plastic paper. And it is 2011 now we don’t have any plastic paper but we do have digital papers which is much thicker in width.

Copyright Law will be illegal. Sadly, the creators, authors and  designers will have less power over their works if the prediction that ‘Copyright Law will be illegal by Lawrence Lessig’

Who is Lawrence Lessig?
            Lawrence Lessig is the author of the Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. In his book, he explains that if you will use a book without permission for non-commercial purposes it can’t be considered as a crime. He also stated that these can be some kind of taxation scheme. You can read his book online at
            In my own opinion, I also agree with him. As a student, we photocopy some books for educational purposes because honestly a book is not worth to buy if what you really need from it is below the half of its real number of pages. Moreover, we will not use it to gain profit out of it, only to give satisfactions to our requirements.
            A crime will be a crime depending on the not unacceptable motive of a person in having a free copy of works.

People will be connected for free. The mere fact that we are all suffering from economic crises we can access to every part of the world. This will help us save up more and we can more focus on our needs and not with our wants.

Google News and OhMyNews.
Google News is said to be a news online wherein we can watch anytime without waiting for timeslots of news’s in our televisions.
OhMyNews is a fancy website where thousands of journalists all over the
world posts the current news in different places. It will be accessed worldwide.

A person can have multiple on-line identities. The reality can be replicated. This statements made me scared on how things will be. The number of cybercrimes will surely increase. That’s why people have to be wiser and should seek advice of trusted experts.

Our future communication system can have multiple advantages and disadvantages. (my conclusion)

-Everybody can be producers and they can earn extra money
-Work at Home community will be popular and everyone can be self-employed
-It can be a solution for our economic crises.
-More Filipinos can earn dollars even though they are based here in our own country.
-Some traditional businesses will be no longer used only multimedia business.
-Everybody can share their experiences.

-Some traditional businesses will be no longer used while multimedia business will reign.
-There will be more and more cybercrimes.
-The original creators, designers will suffer because more infringement will rise against the law especially in protecting their rights
-More tax will be added to the radio, television, newspaper and magazines.
-Selling of memories will be normal.
-People will have less privacy.

Source of photos:

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