Martes, Hulyo 5, 2011

A night to remember

            Everything has its own time. And in College if there is a time to be serious, also there is a time for fun. That’s why last Friday July 1, 2011 Lyceum gave a treat for the deserving Lycean students (including Me. ha-ha!)  for doing a great job in their first two weeks of classes. Yeah, you heard it right! A night of fun was given as a treat. It was the sweetest and priceless treat for the hardworking students of LPU-L.

            Graffiti was the theme used for the said event. The plain white t-shirt that you’ll wear will be signed by anonymous students. You can ask for your classmates, friends, professors and especially your significant other to write short sweet messages into your tees. But that’s not just it. It was also a night for performers and talents. Different Colleges was given a chance to shine individually and also as a group. The different presentations reflected who they really are and made me realize how Lyceans are truly blessed with such talents in various fields.

            The night was a blast! Everything you’ll love in college is here! The audiences (including me) enjoyed cheering for their colleagues and colleges. On the other hand, the crowd also makes a difference. With the full support and high level energy of the crowd the performances were outstanding. And this is what really a performer need. An inspiration. The performances, shouts and claps are irreplaceable and worth it. Great Job Lyceum! We all really had a superb night till next time ^-^.

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