Linggo, Agosto 7, 2011

Social Media Revolution

What’s on your mind? Broadcast yourself. Create a blog. Follow me. New on this? Join us Today! Sign up now!

 These are few of the popular taglines of social media networks today. Catchy-words and phrases are must have’s of these sites. At present time, billions and millions of people are engaged in using social media for different purposes. From businesses functioning, school activities, socializing, political campaigns and many more.

It was year 1997 when, the first Social Media was born. It was created to build long-distance bonding to family members, friends and even to strangers. We use now the modern way of informing and persuading people with the use of Social Media. As of today we have over 400 social media sites. And almost all of us have at least one personal account.

Versatility is the power of social media. You want to send e-mail? There’s Yahoo. You want to share a video? Watch a movie? YouTube is present. You want to connect to people? Here comes Facebook. You want to market your products and services? Multiply will help you.

As what you can notice, the word “YOU” has been used over and over. Yes, every social media site is designed for YOU. Its target is not only a group of people but also every individual who have computers or who can use computers with the use of internet connection. No doubt, social media truly helped people to connect to each other in the cheapest and fastest way.

Did social media change everything? Did it change you?

Back to the days where exchanging of letters is popular, it takes many days or even a week for them to read your personal message and it’ll cost too. But now, instant messages are just a click away within a matter of seconds. It helped our commerce to be more effective and efficient. Yes, it did change us and will always be. We live now as if it became a necessity for the world. We can’t live without it, since the birth of social media has take place the revolution had started and will be ongoing.

Social Media has many good things to offer and the people behind this are still trying to get the people always hooked into their sites. Improvement is what they always keep eye onto to satisfy the needs of its users. They change for us as we change for them. But as these things gets famous let us not always forget to look back, that personal communication is still the best way to communicate with one another.

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