Linggo, Agosto 14, 2011

Breakingthrough Technology and New Media

Technology is a very powerful device. Cellphones, computer and internet has played an important role in people’s lives. Since it is prevalent in our modern world, it didn’t just change the way we work and the way we live but it also influenced our values, our point of views, our vision to ourselves, and also to our society.

Technology + Information = Time Flexibility and Less Expenses. IWantTV at your own time promo of Bayantel DSL is one good example of this. You can catch your favorite television shows either by watching it live online or by watching it in your free time. Another good example would be the newspapers online like and You would save up more by reading the latest news online than buying newspapers but as for me, I prefer buying my personal copy. I enjoy reading more in a comfortable position than having an eyeball date with my lappy. J

Easy access. Dogs are considered as man’s bestfriend as well as search engines. Google made the works of employees, self-employees and students easier. The big question now is how sure we are if the sources of information are credible? We may ask ourselves and answer these questions. Who is the author? Is it outdated or new information? Yes, with just one click away viola! A research is done and copying and pasting it is the next thing you are to do. Pretty simple huh? But if you are responsible enough, you would read it first and edit a little. And oh! Another thing, don’t forget to paste in your credits for your sources.

Reality vs. Virtual Reality:
Communication with Friends. Nowadays, people enjoy more impersonal chit-chats with friends by means of using their cellular phones and computers. The traditional way of keeping in touch has evolved in a modern way. People today see personal communication as what’s ‘out’ and high-tech form of socialization as what’s ‘in’.

“There’s this belief fostered by the media that if you don’t stay superconnected with people, you have no friends. And having no friends is like having no life. So if you’re not in social networking, you are nothing.”-Katrina,18 (Awake!, July 2011)

Media and peer pressure are just two of the biggest factors why many people are tempted to join in at least one social networking site. It has a great appeal to the masses because of the connectivity convenience it creates.

Communication with Strangers. “Don’t talk to strangers”. When I was young, that is what my parents are always reminding me. Every loving parent would always remind their children to be careful especially for people whom we don’t know, knowing that we are living in a dangerous world. Funny fact, as time goes by, it is not only the young ones but also the young once who forgets to apply this to their everyday lives. As our communication lines extends and upgrades, it is now common to befriend a stranger with the use of social media.

Technology and Freedom: What should we know?
Free culture is what the new media offers us. We have power over our own freedom in the media society. Though our conscience can determine right from wrong, some people are being reckless whenever they post something into their social network accounts. As a responsible person, we should apply practical wisdom and good thinking skills before doing something because one wrong word can never be erased in the minds of people who will be able to read it and it can also ruin your reputation and relationships to others. 

courtesy of: Awake! July 2011 page 27

Privacy. By the time, you sign up in social media sites, you can never have privacy. But you can secure yourself by not posting your personal information and making your accounts customized to your friends (only your friends can see your profile). Also, keep in mind that everything you put in the internet is permanent because website owners’ backups the databases or their domains either erased or not. A healthy reminder: Think twice and be wise.

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