Linggo, Setyembre 11, 2011

Week 4: A crime in disguise

Piracy, literary theft, illegal borrowing, stealing and copyright infringement, whatever you want to call it, still plagiarism is plagiarism. ‘Plagiarizer’ or ‘plagiarist’ are the term used to define a person who copied someone else’s work (intellectual property) and claimed it as his own by the fact that he didn’t give any appropriate acknowledgement or citation to the original owner. This kind of act can be considered now as an unstoppable malady of lazy students.

Stealing is a crime. Plagiarism is a form of stealing. Secretly taking something you don’t own is an act of stealing. This does not limit itself to concrete objects only but to abstract forms as well as concepts and ideas. 

EPHESIANS 4:28 “Let the stealer steal no more, but rather let him do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need.” -NWT

This Bible verse in Ephesians 4:28 encourage us to plagiarize no more. God hates stealing including plagiarism. We don’t want God to hate us, right? We do want to live up with a clean conscience; if we plagiarize we don’t deceive people but ourselves.


One of the widely used types of plagiarism is the ‘copy and paste’, wherein a student copies a work without even changing anything. Others are word switch plagiarism, style plagiarism, metaphor plagiarism, idea plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

As the school/university gets aware, they impose school policies to prevent the students to plagiarize. Last week, lyceum held a seminar for plagiarism awareness, and is planning to do more activities with the scope of this issue.

A responsible Lycean. Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna is a school of home and values. The institution creates students who are not only academically excelling but are also globally competitive professionals with wholesome attitudes and values. (Inspired by LPU-L’s mission and vision)


Borrow and quote. Citation is a must! It is not an issue if you will include someone’s work except if you will not give credits to the owner of that work. To borrow and to quote is really simple and easy and what we must remember is that they always go together. Giving credits to yourself of what is imitated won’t bring any happiness to you; for sure you will carry it inside of you (if you are not sued for plagiarism and if nobody knows you did it).

Isn’t it really good to read, hear and see your original work? No doubt, this scenario is the priceless fruit ever of a hard work, and also the original creator will be overwhelmed if you will cite his work and will give the right appropriation for him.

Trust your thoughts. Everybody wants to be heard and so am I. Don’t fear being original, it won’t make you less a person but the opposite. All of our opinions and views are important unlike before, hello! We’re in a free country let’s exercise our freedom and be heard!

Mission and vision of the Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna: 

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